Specific PNW Quizzing Rules

The following are the Bible Quizzing rules that are specific to PNW Quizzing. These are local district additional rules, policies, and practices for Quizzing.

These rules are managed by the PNW Rules Subcommittee as per the PNW Bylaws and Standard Operating Policies (SOPs).

Bracket Types

Quiz meets will be comprised of preliminary score sum bracket consisting of all registered teams. Each team should be given the same number of quizzes therein, with as many being 3-team quizzes as possible, and 2-team quizzes only as necessary to ensure an equal total quiz-per-team count.

Following the score sum bracket, there will be 1 or more "top-9" positional brackets and an "auxiliary" positional bracket. The teams sorted by total team score from the score sum bracket will fill the 1 or more "top-9" positional brackets, and the remaining teams will be placed in the "auxiliary" positional bracket.

There will be at least 1 but possibly multiple finals/championships quizzes of the top 3 teams from the "top-9" positional brackets.

Club List Weighting

The club lists will be weighted as follows:

Individual Averages

Quizzer individual averages for a meet are computed as follows:

Quizzer individual averages for a season are computed as follows:

Great West Invitational (GWI) Qualification

We invite quizzers by year-to-date average, but we require quizzers to be eligible by their tracking of their memorization of at least 50% of the material at the synonymous quality level or better. Coaches will have the final say as to whether a quizzers of theirs has fulfilled this requirement.

Meet Cancellation due to Inclement Weather

The Board of Directors will decide if a quiz meet needs to be canceled due to inclement weather. If individual quizzers or whole teams of quizzers are unable to attend a meet due to inclement weather, the Board of Directors will determine if such absences are justified, and such determination will not be unreasonably withheld.

For individuals missing a meet due to weather:

For teams missing a meet due to weather:


A ministry organization (typically but not always a church) is eligible to sponsor teams of quizzers to participate in PNW Quizzing provided that organization be theologically traditional Christian. (See our bylaws for more information.)

Any youth who will be 18 or younger at any point during the quiz season and has adequately to their local ministry organization's head coach demonstrated maturity sufficient to be a quizzer may participate. (See our quizzer behavioral expectations document for more information.)