PNW Quizzing General Assembly Meeting Minutes
- Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
- Time: 12:35 PM to 1:25 PM
- Location: Grace Bible Church, Port Orchard
The general assembly of the PNW Quizzing ministry organizations meet at lunch on Saturday at the Scramble meet. The organizations represented were:
- Eastridge Baptist Church (by phone)
- Gig Harbor
- Kent Vietnamese Bible Church
- Lighthouse
- Madras
Gryphon Shafer led the meeting.
District Leadership
At District Championships in late April, we voted to expand the Board to include 1 representative per program. The Board is as of this meeting:
- Gryphon Shafer = District Coordinator, Meet Director, Chair
- Andrew Borden (KVBC) = Vice-Chair, Rules Subcommittee Chair
- Sharalyn Shafer = Treasurer, Bookkeeper
- Kristen Thompson (EBC) = Assistant Treasurer
- Jenny Zecher (Gig Harbor)
- Amanda McKee (Lighthouse)
- Kristine Delamarter (Madras)
Treasurer's Report
COVID shutdowns both hurt and helped the finances as there was very little spend at first, but we also reduced prices for that time frame for virtual meets.
A very basic breakdown of income versus expenditures for the last few years:
We started the 2019-2020 season with $1,691.16 in the account.
- Income of $4,840
- Expenditures of $642
- Ending total of $5,889.16
We started the 2022-2021 season with $5,889.16 in the account.
- Income of $1,210 (virtual fees)
- Expenditures of $4,000 (Internationals)
- Ending total of $3,099.16
We started the 2021-2022 season with $3099.16 in the account.
- Income of $13,691.59 (District Championships reimbursements, Great West payments, and selling of tents and heaters included)
- Expenditures of $13,633.99 (including purchasing tents and heaters and all payments)
- Ending total of $3,156.76
Resources Announcements
- PNWQuizzing.org
- User accounts
- Anyone (coach, quizzer, parent) can sign up for an account
- Critical all leaders have an account and keep it current (also it's useful for parents and quizzers)
- Site accounts get email notifications and other messaging
- Registration system access
- "Sign-Up" in upper-right corner
- "Login"
- The cryptography system got upgraded over the summer, so you may need to reset your password
- Attempt a login, then click the "Reset Password" link in the login failure notification box
- "User List"
- "Register"
- "Meet Data"
- User accounts
- CBQZ App
- Anyone (coach, quizzer, parent) can sign up for an account
- If you have an account, you can follow meets and quizzes in real-time from any smart phone, tablet, or computer with internet access
- If you need a practice questions set, please email Gryphon
- There isn't a PNW practice question set for Acts yet
- We're a bit behind this season in getting the various question sets ready
- So for now, I can publish the CQLT district set to coaches who ask
- From the "Main" page, click on the "Manage Question Sets" link, and near the bottom you should be able to clone that set and thereafter use the copy as your practice set
- Andrew Borden is the Rules Subcommittee Chair and therefore leading the official questions set management efforts
- We're a bit behind on this for Acts
- Questions are written but (from chapter 4 onwards) need to be edited
- We need to call for volunteers to edit
- You don't need prior experience
- Contact Andrew if you can help
- Inside Quizzing
Evangelism and Recruiting
- Western Christianity is in deep, systemic decline (both organizationally and culturally)
- A collective of multi-church regional pastors representing organizations of churches along the west cost met first in Portland and then Sacramento
- I was part of those conferences both as an ordained pastor and board chairman of one of the multi-church organizations
- The pastors wrestled with what's been happening the last few decades, and we came up with the following:
The Body of Christ on the Pacific Coast of the United States has struggled to present an effective and compelling witness of Jesus, animated by the Holy Spirit. In our present reality, cultural Christianity has obscured the Gospel, and an original witness of biblically-grounded salt and light has been lost. As a result, the Body of Christ is seen as nonessential when considering the most complex challenges individuals, families, and communities face on the Pacific Coast. There is a cultural seeking that, by and large, has not found the Church to have answers.
- We need to change this
- And we can change this only by changing ourselves
- And we can change ourselves only through discipleship
- Bible Quizzing is the most effective discipleship ministry when measured by ROI
- And I truly believe Bible Quizzing is one of only a few ways we can restore Western Christianity
- And the only way we grow Quizzing is through your continued efforts
- I'm asking that we all double-down on our efforts to spread the word
- Please do everything you can to evangelize and recruit new churches into Quizzing
- Please make a point to evangelize Quizzing with your Christian friends from other churches
- Please let me know anything I can do to help then get a program started
Season Schedule Details
- See the meet schedule on the web site
- Great West is in April... probably
- We need coaches, vans, and drivers (we won't have Kraig/Kim most likely)
- Please consider volunteering
- Staying in Sandpoint worked out well last year
- How many quizzers? Last year we took top 12, but historically we took top 25
- The assembly decided we should target taking the top 16 quizzers to Great West, but we will revisit this decision based on how we perceive the district strength to be over the first couple meets.
- District Champtionships is scheduled to be held at Double K (again)
- Similar to last season: come early + stay late options (and lots of facilities options available)
- Costs will likely be similar to last season's DC (which was whatever the camp charged)
- Please consider this event an opportunity to invite quizzing-curious folks
- Historically, DC has been only top % of teams; but last few years we've invited all teams
- Should we continue to have DC be open invitation this season?
- The assembly decided we will continue to invite all teams to DC.